Got Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

We work for the upliftment of underprivileged sections of the society
who are an important part for the development of the nation as a whole

NO, all the volunteering activities are unpaid. But volunteers will be
receiving other perks like certificates.

Interested candidates can apply through the website and they will be
contacted within 2-3 working days.

Nanhe Pakshi is primarily funded through donations, crowdfunding
and under CSR schemes.

Yes, we are also working in regards to the animals. Food and other
necessary things are made available to the street animals

We accept donations of all kinds like food, clothes, uniforms,
stationary along with monetary donations.

Yes, we have all the proofs regarding the correct allocatiob of
donations like invoices, ITR’S, pictures and videos. We can even make a
direct contact between the donor and the donee.

yes, Under section 80 G: tax deductions are available.